Thursday, February 4, 2010

What is the sentence if proven guilty for assault on a female and false imprisonment?

Depends if there are previous convictions. On the false imprisonment alone, probably 6 months jail. Then the assault on top. Possibly 9 months jail in total, plus more if it's not first conviction.What is the sentence if proven guilty for assault on a female and false imprisonment?
Depends on many things - bad judge bigger penalty - good judge, first time offence, no jail.....really depends on the assault and its so many things

Q is a little vague....but research other cases on the web for more input..glWhat is the sentence if proven guilty for assault on a female and false imprisonment?
Depends on the state, severity, and judge. All are factors in how long the sentence would be
false imprisonment?
2 charges of intentional tort.. usually 1-2years
Depends on the degree.
A long time, depends on the circumstances, I wouldn't suggest finding out...

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